Fort Wayne Scottish Pipes and Drums Band

The Fort Wayne Scottish Pipes and Drums is a competition bagpipe and drum band based in Fort Wayne, Indiana. By drawing on the knowledge and talents of our members we are able to share the music and culture of Scotland with the people of our community. Whether you are an avid piper or drummer or just a casual passerby, the Fort Wayne Scottish Pipes and Drums welcomes you!

2024 Schedule
Thursdays from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm: Practice at Jacob's Well Church located at 10707 Coldwater Rd. in Fort Wayne
Deer Park Pub
Fort Wayne, IN.
Friday, March 15th
5:00 p.m. (solo piper)
Michigan City
St. Patrick's Day Parade
Michigan City, IN.
Saturday, March 16th
2:00 p.m. EDT
Mitchell's Sports Bar
Fort Wayne, IN.
Saturday, March 16th
8:00-9:00 p.m.
Deer Park Pub
Fort Wayne, IN.
Sunday, March 17th
1:00-1:45 p.m.
Laycoff's Tavern
Fort Wayne, IN.
Sunday, March 17th
3:00 p.m.
Trine University
International Night
Angola, IN.
Saturday, April 6th
6:00 p.m.
Fort Wayne Center
for Learning
Fort Wayne, IN. Coliseum
Thursday, April 18th
Southside Elementary
Kendallville, IN.
Wednesday, May 14th
1:00 p.m.
Canterbury H.S. Graduation
Fort Wayne, IN.
Friday, May 31st
6:30 p.m.
Michigan City Patriotic Parade
Michigan City, IN.
Saturday, June 29th
Do-Dah Parade
Winona Lake, IN.
Thursday, July 4th, Noon
Saline Celtic Festival
Saline, MI.
Saturday, July 13th
All Day
St. Andrew's Society
Highland Games
Livonia, MI.
Saturday, August 3rd
All day
Taste of the Arts
Fort Wayne, IN.
Saturday, August 24th
Columbus Scottish Festival
Columbus, IN.
Saturday, September 7th
All day
Johnny Appleseed Festival
Fort Wayne, IN
Sat./Sun. September 21st & 22nd
Decatur Highland Games
Decatur, IN.
Saturday, October 5th
10:30 a.m.
Indianapolis Scottish Festival
Indianapolis, IN.
Saturday, October 12th
All Day

The Fort Wayne Scottish Pipes and Drums was founded in 1986 to promote Scottish heritage and the Great Highland Bagpipe in Northeast Indiana. The band performs at different parades and Highland Games throughout the midwest. We are always looking for new members and offer free lessons to anyone wanting to learn the pipes or drums.
The Great Highland Bagpipe (Gaelic : A' Phìob Mhòr) is probably the best-known variety of bagpipe. Abbreviated GHB, and commonly referred to simply as "the pipes", they have historically taken numerous forms in Ireland, England and Scotland.
A modern set has a bag, a chanter, a blowpipe, two tenor drones, and one bass drone. The scale on the chanter is in Mixolydian mode with a flattened 7th or leading tone. It has a range from one whole tone lower than the tonic to one octave above it (in piper's parlance: Low G, Low A, B, C, D, E, F, High G, and High A; the C and F could or should be called sharp but this is always omitted). Although less so now, depending on the tuning of the player, certain notes are tuned slightly off of just intonation (for example,the D could be tuned slightly sharp for sound effects), but again, today the notes of the chanter are usually tuned in just intonation to the Mixolydian scale with a flattened 7th. The two tenor drones are an octave below the keynote (Low A) of the chanter) and the bass drone two octaves below.
This "A" of the GHB is actually slightly sharper than B-flat, around 480 Hz, and within the realm of competitive pipe bands, seems to get slightly sharper each year. In the 1990s, there were a few new developments, namely, reliable synthetic drone reeds, and synthetic bags that deal with moisture arguably better than hide or older synthetic bags.
For more info on the Bagpipe go to History of GHB